COGNITOS'2K10 where the talent meets the talented..
The rains have ended; the sun shall shine
through raindrops into eyes of thine...
that shimmers till it gets too dark...
But even so the smile remains...
seeing the fruit of all our pains...'
as you whisper in our ear...
we call out to you, do you HEAR?
- Cognitos' 2k10, the Tech Fest for the erupted minds in the technology, which has a new zeal and avidness to let your nerves work.
- Cognitos 2k10, commenced with the sole objective to foster the technical and vocational talent in the nascent engineers and entrepreneurs. The two day fest witnesses a horde of mind bending events and features you prominent persons in the workshops and guest lectures.
- Cognitos' 2k10 shows the latest technologies to the endeavourer minds in its exhibition and gives an unparallel chance to know these technologies.
- After competing with the best minds of the country in day long technical competitions, whizz relaxes themselves through the ‘recreational nights’.
- In which they were left mesmerized by the splendid cultural performances and even twist their legs and bang their heads on the dance floor.(if we arrange any DJ)
If nature has taught us only one thing, it is that the only constant is change. There is no such thing as a Utopia. Therefore, in order for us to grow productively as a species, we need to become experts at “changing our minds” about anything and everything.
At Cognitos 2K10, we intend to initiate a revolution.
It is more than a fest
It’s... a Movement