CM Engineering College (CMEC) has been established under the aegis of the Malla Reddy Group of Institutions, a majestic empire, founded by Mr. CH. Malla Reddy. He has been in the field of education for the last 19 years with the intention of spearheading quality education among children from the school level itself. CM Engineering College has been laid upon a very strong foundation and has ever since been excelling in every aspect.
Mechanical engineering, as the name implies, deals with the mechanics of operation of mechanical systems. The various functions that fall within the scope of this branch of engineering are designing, manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical systems. For this purpose it uses the various laws of physics and applies them to different systems to analyze their performance and map out ways to improve their efficiency.
Mechanical engineering experienced its growth during the time of the World Wars. This growth can be attributed to the need for building newer war machines during that time. As a result of this need, more money was allocated towards research in this field and hence it began to develop as a unique area of study. Over the years, mechanical engineering has expanded its scope and it now has a noteworthy role to play in all other areas of engineering also.
Mechanical engineering is finding more and more applications these days in other areas of engineering also. The most significant of these is the field of robotics. Robotics has become an important area of study due to the fact that more and more processes are getting automated these days. Mechanical engineers are handed the task of manufacturing assembly lines of robots for different operations and controlling them through pre-written programs to make the process of manufacture less human dependant, and more efficient and economical.
“Scientists dream about doing great things.
Engineers do them.”
Engineers do them.”
we are ready..are u?